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Mobile 07546 746215 Email:
How does light-assisted hair removal work?
The light emitted by the device is absorbed by melanin within the hair, which is then converted into heat energy and damages the hair follicle.
What does the treatment feel like?
Treatment sensation varies but you can feel what is described as the ‘hot flick’ of an elastic band during treatment. However, thanks to Dynamic Reflex Technology, most clients describe the
discomfort as moderate and tolerable.
How many sessions will I need?
The number of sessions required varies from client to client and is dependent on many factors.
Results can be seen after just a few treatments. However, a minimum of 6 and up to 12 treatments, are recommended to deliver the best results.
Pre-treatment Advice,
As your practitioner I can assess if you are suitable for treatment, but it may be useful for you to know that skin should not be exposed to UV light (sun and sunbeds) for at least 4 weeks prior to commencing and during a course of treatment. There should be no active tan or fake tan in the area to be treated. Suntans and fake tan should be left to fade completely before treatment.
The area to be treated should be free from make-up, perfume, deodorant and body or face creams. Avoid waxing, plucking hair removal creams, bleaching or any other hair removal methods other than shaving for one month prior to IPL treatment.
Hair should be shaved prior to treatment and no longer than 1mm in length.
SPF! SPF! SPF! - SPF should be a part of any good skin regime and used on a daily basis, but it is paramount whilst undergoing treatment. A SPF of 30+ is recommended.
Medical History,
A medical history will be taken at consultation, but I rely on clients to inform me of any changes to current medical conditions. I will need to know of any medication you are taking including prescribed and over the counter.
Post treatment Advice
To minimise skin heating, promote client comfort and reduce the likelihood of skin reactions, the treatment area may be cooled before, during and after treatment. If the area is still feeling hot at home, you can apply a cold flannel or cool pack. Do not apply ice packs or ice in direct contact with the skin.
Following treatment, the area may be red and raised and you may feel a tingling sensation. This is completely normal and should settle over the next few days. Make up can be applied after several hours if the skin is not sore or broken. However, caution is advised if the area is feeling sensitive and best left without until it returns to normal. The same applies to any skin products that contain perfume/scent or are heavy chemicalised. If at any point the skin becomes broken, then products should be avoided on that area.
Take care when removing make-up and skin products, no rubbing or abrasive actions as this can cause irritation/infection.
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